In the Beginning…

Maybe on this day in 1966, somewhere in Iowa along the Mississippi River, I discovered my destiny.

Welcome to 2022! Research says that about 30% of startups fail within 2 years. 50% fail by their 5th year and 70% won’t live to see their 10th year. Anyone who starts a new business venture should expect a 90% failure rate over the long haul. To avoid being in that percentile, you should set goals, love what you do and do not quit.

This month of this new year officially marks my 20th anniversary of launching iMed Design, inc. My goal was to not work for anyone else. I honestly love what I do. And I’m too lazy to quit, if that makes sense. I heard Donny Deutsch once say, “do what you love and the money will follow” - or something to that effect. So I traded a single boss for many bosses (aka “clients”). In order to keep those many bosses satisfied, I expanded my creative horizons and skills. And the money did follow. At least enough to put food on the table.

So what better way to celebrate bucking the longevity odds than to expand my creative boundaries a little further with this experiment: a blog. The idea kinda started when I was searching through my 20-year work archives for some obscure image I’d shot years ago for some project I couldn’t quite remember. Looking at my large Excel file, I thought to myself that this independent journey has taken me to some pretty cool places, creating some pretty cool projects with some pretty cool people. And maybe, just like that day on that dock in Iowa in 1966, I knew what might be coming - because I’d bought the domain over 10 years ago.

So here it is. Consider this my soft opening. If you’ve stumbled across it, understand that I might not yet quite know what I’m doing, where I’m taking it or what I’ll say. But there’s a good chance I’ll love doing it. You’re more than welcome to come along for the ride!


What’s in a name?